整体下来还是比较有灵性的还算不错但主要也是胜在取材一个比较有意思的现象Pink Floyd的[Wish You Were Here]历经了两个空间一是对顾东林这位“娇妻被调教的秘密”的收尾进行曲二是结尾的时候放出了一个为电影打赏的二维码这个时候一下子从影像拉回现实甚至不需要做任何技法感觉这样做也并非不妥只是看着二维码听着“不合时宜”的配乐又显得本片像是给导演本人的赞曲一样
If the system or the people good people turn to fail them, they can only do it on their own. And they can not be blamed because they are kept no choice. That good people have no alternative but to hurt others is the least thing I want to see because it leads to another tragedy.